

Organic flowers come in all shapes and sizes, but also for different seasons. The summer bloomers from Natural Bulbs will keep your garden in bloom until the end of autumn. Just plant these summer and autumn bloomers after the last frost, traditionally from mid-May onwards. And then enjoy until the first frost sets in again.

Helleborus Pretty Ellen Red - BIO
€ 8,99 € 8,99 8.99 EUR
Hemerocallis Frans Hals - BIO
€ 8,50 € 8,50 8.5 EUR
Indiankrasse, klättrande - BIO
€ 3,99 € 3,99 3.99 EUR
Humulus Lupulus - BIO
€ 14,99 € 14,99 14.99 EUR
Jasminum Nudiflorum - BIO
€ 14,99 € 14,99 14.99 EUR
Kaprifol (Ätbara Honungsbär) - BIO
€ 11,50 € 11,50 11.5 EUR
Körsbärstomat Cerise - BIO
€ 3,39 € 3,39 3.39 EUR
Timjan - BIO
€ 5,99 € 5,99 5.99 EUR
Kiwi Jenny Buske - BIO
€ 11,50 € 11,50 11.5 EUR
Vallmo - BIO
€ 2,69 € 2,69 2.69 EUR
Blomman för dagen - BIO
€ 3,39 € 3,39 3.39 EUR
Slanggurka Marketmore - BIO
€ 3,39 € 3,39 3.39 EUR
Blåklint - BIO
€ 2,69 € 2,69 2.69 EUR
Brytböna Maxi, lågväxande - BIO
€ 3,99 € 3,99 3.99 EUR
Solros, lågväxande - BIO
€ 2,69 € 2,69 2.69 EUR
Lathyrus Sylvestris - BIO
€ 8,99 € 8,99 8.99 EUR
Lavandula Hidcote - BIO
€ 8,50 € 8,50 8.5 EUR
Liatris Spicata - BIO
€ 5,99 € 5,99 5.99 EUR
Lilium OT Robina - BIO
€ 6,99 € 6,99 6.99 EUR
Lilium OT Tisento - BIO
€ 6,99 € 6,99 6.99 EUR