
Summer flowering

Organic flowers come in all shapes and sizes, but also for different seasons. The summer bloomers from Natural Bulbs will keep your garden in bloom until the end of autumn. Just plant these summer and autumn bloomers after the last frost, traditionally from mid-May onwards. And then enjoy until the first frost sets in again.

Malva Moschata - ORG
€ 8.50 € 8.50 8.5 EUR
Common Mint - ORG
€ 5.99 € 5.99 5.99 EUR
Edible Flowers Mixture - ORG
€ 3.39 € 3.39 3.39 EUR
Dahlia Mothers Recipe Red-Pink 4 ST - ORG
€ 16.90 € 16.90 16.9 EUR
Monarda Fireball - ORG
€ 8.50 € 8.50 8.5 EUR
Nepeta Cats Pyjamas - ORG
€ 8.99 € 8.99 8.99 EUR
Oenothera speciosa Siskiyou - ORG
€ 8.50 € 8.50 8.5 EUR
Oxalis Deppei Iron Cross - ORG
€ 4.99 € 4.99 4.99 EUR
Paeonia Karl Rosenfield - ORG
€ 8.99 € 8.99 8.99 EUR
Paeonia Sarah Bernhard - ORG
€ 8.99 € 8.99 8.99 EUR
Panicum virgatum Rehbraun - ORG
€ 8.50 € 8.50 8.5 EUR
Papaver Orientale Pink Perfection - ORG
€ 9.99 € 9.99 9.99 EUR
Sweet pepper California Wonder - ORG
€ 3.39 € 3.39 3.39 EUR
Parsley Gigante dItalia - ORG
€ 2.69 € 2.69 2.69 EUR
Phlox pan. Charlotte - ORG
€ 8.50 € 8.50 8.5 EUR
Physostegia vir. Alba - ORG
€ 7.99 € 7.99 7.99 EUR
Lettuce Bionda a foglia riccia - ORG
€ 2.69 € 2.69 2.69 EUR
Pumpkin Uchiki Kuri - ORG
€ 3.39 € 3.39 3.39 EUR
Pulsatilla Vulgaris - ORG
€ 7.99 € 7.99 7.99 EUR